Cloning and embryonic stem-cell research would be banned in Mississippi, as could the "morning-after pill" and IUDs. 克隆和胚胎干细胞研究可能会在密西西比州遭禁,同样遭禁的可能还有“事后丸”和避孕环。
None of the Republican front-runners supports expanded funding for embryonic stem-cell research. 没有任何一位有竞争力的共和党总统竞选人支持对胚胎干细胞研究加大资金投入。
WHY does embryonic stem-cell research cause such dramas? 为什么胚胎干细胞研究会引发这样一幕幕大戏?
Pro-life conservatives oppose embryonic stem-cell research on the grounds that it destroys life. 反堕胎主义的保守者们认为胚胎干细胞研究扼杀生命,对其坚决反对。